Story Night at Torriano
Torriano Meeting House is home to Storynight. Professional storytellers headline the evenings – these tellers are the best in the UK and beyond. They tour nationally and internationally, performing at festivals, clubs and theatres such as the Barbican, the Globe and the South Bank...
And then they come to us, to our intimate, candle-lit space to spellbind us with epics, myths, legends and folktales. They love us because we are at the grassroots of the storytelling revival, we have a fun and friendly crowd and the best listening ears!!
These tellers woo us with their stories, they connect in the moment with the tale and the audience, creating an intimate and unique experience. At StoryNight, storytelling is a traditional yet totally contemporary performance art.
And it’s £10 on the door including wine and nibbles.
Second Wednesday of the month, 8pm, 7.30pm / Stories start 8pm
Step inside and let us wrap you up in story...