Legal and financial history

99 Torriano Avenue was squatted by John Rety, Susan and Emily Johns in 1982 to live and work in. There was no electricity and holes in the roof, it was dilapidated but it was very lovely. The Meeting House evolved on the ground floor.  

The building was compulsorily purchased by Camden Council and, in recognition of the value of Torriano Meeting House, was renovated for community and arts use. For many years the Council gave TMH a grant to cover the rent to the Council and basic running costs. For a period in the '80s John Rety had a small wage as part-time worker to run the Meeting House. He organised events, and the Meeting House collaborated with other community organisations as such as the library services, the Shaw Theatre, Inner London Education Authority, community festivals. He cultivated a good relationship with Greater London Arts, The Arts Council and Camden Council's Arts Department. In the early 1990s the beginning of the erosion of arts funding began to hit. Incrementally. The funding for a worker was cut. Then running costs were cut but there was still a grant for the rent which had increased to £10,000pa. Then the grant from Camden Council for the rent was cut. Then the Arts Council was slashed and we lost funding from the Literature department. So, Torriano Meeting House is now entirely user funded.

Our income:

Hire fees; door takings for the Sunday poetry readings; regular supporters donations; benefits; legacies.

Torriano assets

A piano, Two 16mm film projectors and screen, Works of art, some purchased by TMH, some donated.


Rent, Rates, Utilities, Insurance, Accountant's fees, Repairs and decoration, Publicity and IT

Legal and financial history